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ũμƮ ̰ ̼ ö̾(License Compliance) . ûб к ׼, Ʈ , ũμƮ ۷ι ̰, ̱, Ϻ ߽ 20 Ѱ ٹߴ. ۷ι Ʈ ôڷ, ׼ ٹ 11 Ʈ ̲ Ʈ ϱ⵵ ߴ. ؿ ٹ ¸ 17 , ذ ϻٹݻ̸ Ƿθ 򰡹޴ ƽþ åڷ 15 ̻ پ ϸ鼭 ű ϴ ÿ ̲.

Ѷ 1 2 Ρ ˿ ϱ⵵ , ۷ι ȸ Ƴ Ƿ ϰ Ͽ Ź Ŀ´̼ ɷ ߰ , ħ ù ״.

ũμƮ Ϻѱȣ֡ 4 ̼ åڷ ϰ ִ. Ҿ ö̾ α׷ ƽþ åڷε Ȱϸ, ƽþ ö̾ å ϰ ִ. ƽþ ٹ 񿵸ü Ȱ ޾ 系 ߴ. ְ IE濵п EMBA(Executive MBA) , ̱ PMP(Project Management Professional) ڰ ϰ ִ.λ ǥ ȸ (Social Change)̸, ¿ STAY GOLD!̴

PART 1  5 _23

PART 2 ɷڵ ȸȭ _31

PART 3 Ͻ ȸȭ ʼ 49 _43

CHAPTER 1 , ħ ϶! _45

UNIT 1 ħ λ 簨 Ѵ! _46
Good morning! Hows your life treating you?
UNIT 2 λ ڿ δ _48
Hows your work going?
UNIT 3 ð ִ  _50
Do you have a minute?
UNIT 4 ڼ _52
Could you explain that in more detail?
UNIT 5 ð Ȯϴ _54
Could I see you sometime this week?

CHAPTER 2 ߽϶! _57

UNIT 1 Long time no see! ִ _58
Great to see you again!
UNIT 2 So so. ʴ _61
Ive been doing great!
UNIT 3 Ȳ  _64
Do you have any great news?
UNIT 4 Īϸ鼭 ȭ  _67
What was the key success factor?
UNIT 5 ϰ ̾߱⸦  _70
On the other hand, what things didnt go well?

CHAPTER 3 ϰ Źϴ _73

UNIT 1 ϴ _74
Do you have any plans after this?
UNIT 2 ڸ ϴ _77
What are you doing tonight?
UNIT 3 ôٸ顯 ǥϸ _80
If you wouldnt mind, may I attend the meeting?

CHAPTER 4 ùλ ȣ ! _83

UNIT 1 ϱ ̸ غѴ _84
Call me Hugo, like HUGO BOSS.
UNIT 2 Nice to meet you. ִ _87
Im happy to meet you.
UNIT 3 ִ Ǹ λѴ _90
I finally got to meet you.
Ive heard so much about you.
UNIT 4 ó Ÿ _93
What should I call you?
UNIT 5 ̸ Ȯϴ _96
How do you spell your name?

CHAPTER 5 Ͻ ̳ 翡 ʿ ȭ _99

UNIT 1 _100
Are you having a good time?
UNIT 2 ħ ӿ ȭ Ǹ ã´ _102
This is a great event, isnt it?
UNIT 3 ִ ڿ ȮѴ _105
Have we met before?
UNIT 4 ̸ ؾȴٸ _107
I have a terrible memory for international names.
UNIT 5 ǥѴ _110
I look forward to seeing you again sometime soon!

CHAPTER 6 ȭ ȸȭ ʿ ȭ _113

UNIT 1 ȭ ϴ _114
May I have Mr. Brian, please?
UNIT 2 ٻڽ ǥϸ _117
I know youre busy, but Id be grateful if I could arrange a meeting with you.
UNIT 3 ִ ǥ _120
When would be convenient for you?

CHAPTER 7 簨 ̴ ȭ _123

UNIT 1 ù ° ߾ ȸ _124
The objective of this meeting is to define the outline of the presentation.
UNIT 2 ϰ 並 Ѵ _127
First, let me give an overview of the project.
UNIT 3 ϰ ִ ȮѴ _130
Let me clarify my point.
UNIT 4 ε巯 ڱ ǰ ģ _133
Let me share with you my opinion on this issue.
UNIT 5 ϱ Ѵ _136
Id like to summarize the key points.

CHAPTER 8 ο ȹ Ű _139

UNIT 1 ̴ _140
I will launch a new advertising campaign.
UNIT 2 Ͽ ش _142
Ill execute the plan from next week onwards.
UNIT 3 do the best ִ ǥ _145
Im committed to providing the best customer experience in the industry.
UNIT 4 ش _148
I aim to double revenue through the project.
UNIT 5 ǵ Ѵ _151
I am willing to commit to achieving a 120% increase in sales year-over-year.
UNIT 6 μ ÿ ߽Ѵ _154
I will generate a lot of leads through the promotion.
UNIT 7 Ȳ _157
Im making great progress toward the goal of this fiscal year.
UNIT 8 ٷ ִ _159
Let me monitor the progress.
UNIT 9 ǻ 䰡 ʿϴٸ _162
Let me consider other options before making a decision.

CHAPTER 9 ȿ ڽ ϴ _165

UNIT 1 Ͽ ǥѴ _166
Im fulfilling my personal mission.
UNIT 2 ַϰ ִ Ѵ _169
I focus on the standardization of processes.
UNIT 3 غϴ ̹ ش _172
Im facing a big challenge.
UNIT 4 _175
Id like to raise an issue.
UNIT 5 ŷڸ ´ _178
Ill keep you updated.
UNIT 6 Ѵ _181
I managed to complete the project!
UNIT 7 make the most of ~ پ Ȱ _184
Everyone made the most of every opportunity.
UNIT 8 ڱ ǰ Ѵ _187
Lets take a look at this issue from a different perspective.
UNIT 9 ذ ⸦ Ѵ _190
Lets think outside the box.

PART 4 Ȳ ó 40 _193

CHAPTER 1 ˾Ƶ _195

UNIT 1 õõ ش޶ ŹѴ _196
May I ask all of you to speak slowly and clearly?
UNIT 2 ٽ ش޶ ŹѴ _199
Would you say that again, please?
UNIT 3 Ȯ ʴٸ _202
Im confused.
UNIT 4 ð ʿ _204
Let me think.

CHAPTER 2 ϰ 𸥴ٰ ϱ _207

UNIT 1 ɼϰ ѷ Ѵ _208
Im not sure. But I presume that it should be on track.
UNIT 2 ǰ ´ _211
How about you?
UNIT 3 Ȳ ѱ _214
Could you elaborate on that?

CHAPTER 3 ϱ ؾ _217

UNIT 1 ϱ ϴ _218
I assume youve already taken care of that.
UNIT 2 ɽ ǥϴ _221
Im concerned about the price of raw materials.
UNIT 3 ϰ ϴ _224
Im sorry, but I cant follow your logic.
UNIT 4 ʰ No ϴ _226
Im not an expert, but Ill try to explain.
UNIT 5 ϰ ڱ ǰ _229
To be honest, I think we are missing the point.
UNIT 6 ڽ ǥ _232
I must admit that Im an amateur in IT.
UNIT 7 ִ ϰ ϴ ǥ _235
I regret to inform you that we will decline your proposal.
UNIT 8 _238
Im not authorized to make that decision.

CHAPTER 4 ڽ _241

UNIT 1 ٷ Ȯϰ ִٸ _242
There is one thing I ask of you.
UNIT 2 ߾ ϰ _244
Let me finish.
UNIT 3 Ͽ Ѵ _247
Briefly, I have three things to say.
UNIT 4 ȭ ǵ _250
By the way, we have only 10 minutes left.
UNIT 5 Ź Ȳ ȮѴ _253
Have you had a chance to look over the report I sent to you yesterday?
UNIT 6 翡 ϰ _256
I have one thing to share with you.

CHAPTER 5 ڽ ϰ _259

UNIT 1 ϴ _260
You made my day!
UNIT 2 ΰ踦 Ѹ _263
Youre always willing to go the extra mile.
UNIT 3 ְ Ī ǥ _266
Im proud of you.
UNIT 4 ü ϴ Ѹ _269
UNIT 5 밨 ǥϴ _272
Im counting on you.

CHAPTER 6 ٸ ʿ _275

UNIT 1 ϴ _276
I wondered if you could help me.
UNIT 2 Ź ǥ _279
I need to seek your advice.
UNIT 3 ִ ϰ Źϴ ǥ _282
Could you possibly consider making a slightly better offer?
UNIT 4 ϰ Ű _285
Ill have him contact you to discuss the matter.
UNIT 5 ϰ ϴ 踦 ʹٸ _288
Please dont hesitate to ask any questions.
UNIT 6 óش޶ Źϴ _291
Could you please reply to me at your earliest convenience?

CHAPTER 7 ؾ _295

UNIT 1 ǸŰ ʰ ϴ _296
Im afraid I will not be able to attend the meeting.
UNIT 2 ʴ븦 ϰ ϴ _299
I wish I could, but I really do not have enough time.
UNIT 3 ģ ʴ븦 ϴ _302
Id love to, but I have another appointment.

CHAPTER 8 ⸦ ȸ _305

UNIT 1 Ź ؾȴٸ _306
Ive been meaning to get back to you, however, I have been too busy.
UNIT 2 Ͻ ųʸ ϸ鼭 Ѵ _309
I am sorry for the delay in my response.
UNIT 3 ǥ _312
I apologize for my mistakes.
UNIT 4 ϰ ϴ ǥ _315
I regret that I was not able to meet your expectations.
UNIT 5 Ǽ ῡ ϵ Ѹ _318
No worries. It happens to the best of us.


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