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English To GO

English To GO

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Section 1 Work Life

What's on Your Mind ( ֳ)
Hanging Over My Head (Ӹ ɵ)
Left High and Dry (ܽ)
Jack of All Trades (ڻ)
A Needle in a Haystack (ʴ̿ ٴ ã)
Eat (Away) at Me ( ɸ)
Have a Score to Settle (ذؾ ִ)
Keep Your Hair On (ϼ)
Quick Fix ( ġ)
A Bit Much (ϳ׿)
Step on Someone's Toes (Ű ϴ)
Dry Run (, 㼳)
Get Off Your Case (ϱ⸦ ׸δ)
Catch-22 ( )
Perk Up (йϴ)
Hold Your Horses ( ٸ)
Turn Your Back (Ѵȴ)
Cross the Line (Ѱ踦 Ѵ)
AWOL (ܰ)
I Kid You Not ( ƴϿ)
A Lot on My Plate ( )
Pain in the Ass (ĩ)
On the Ball ( , Ȱ)
Car Troubles ( )
Call It a Night ( ġ)
All Ears ( ← )
Caught in Traffic (ü)
Nothing to Speak Of (ٸ )
So Much to Do, So Little Time ( ð )
Out of My Depth ( ɷ ̿)
Hit Me with It (Ź ϼ)
Tired to the Bone (ļӱ ǰ)
Butted Heads (浹(ū ))
Duck Out ( ڸ )
A Paragon Of ()
Pack Rat ()
Everything I Expected And More ( ̻̾)
What a Shame (̿)
I'm Swamped ( )
Start Over from Scratch (ó ٽ ϴ)
Driving Me Crazy (ġھ)
Look into the Problem ( )
Living Large (߻)

Section 2. School Life

Hit the Books (θ ϴ)
Stretch a Dollar ( Ը ְ )
Take a Shot (ο õϴ)
Have a Soft Spot ( () )
Get the Ball Rolling ( ϴ)
Level Playing Field ( ȸ)
Give It Your Best Shot (ּ ض)
Walk a Fine Line (Ϲ)
Psyched ( ߴ)
Sense of Humor (Ӱ)
Getting Out of Hand ( Ҵ)
Or Else (ƴϸ ū )
What Makes Him Tick? ( װ ׷ ൿ ϴ)
So Thoughtful of You ( Ưϱ)
No Way (׷ ž)
Starting to Freak Me Out (ð ϱ ϴ)
Aside From (ϰ)
Half a Mind ( )
Pep Talk (ݷ )
Get Cracking (θ)
It Isn't the End of the World ( ƴϴ)
There's Always Next Time ( ߵ ſ)
Pay Through the Nose ( û )
Full of Himself/Herself (ڽŸϴ)
It's Back to Work Next Week ( ָ ̴)

Section 3 Weekends & Vacation

Must Be a Full Moon (Ʋ ߴ ̾ ſ)
Kick the Bucket (״)
Roadtrip (̷ ϴ ڵ)
Talk Someone Into ( ߾)
Ready to Roll ( غ Ǵ)
Hell to Pay (ũ ȥ)
With Pleasure (Ⲩ)
Pick Up the Pace ()
Do You Have Any Big Plans? ( ȹ Ű)
Come Back in One Piece ( ƿ)
What a Relief (Ƚ̿)
I'm with You on That One ( ־ ̴)
You Look like a Lobster (ó Ÿ)
Burnt to a Crisp (ٽ ¿)
Smooth Things Over ( ϰ Ǯ )
Bursting with Excitement (Ƽ )
Comes But Once a Year (1⿡ ݾƿ)
In Store For ( ٸ )
New Year's Resolutions ( )
I Don't Think I Can Make It ( Ű ƿ)
Sold Out ()
For a Change ( ȯ)
I Can't Stand ( )
Steal the Show ((ֿ ) ָ )
Yes, That's the One (ٷ װſ)
Movie Buff (ȭ)
Dying to See It ( ; )
Cannot Stomach (̴)
Don't Feel Up to It (ϰ ʴ)
That Explains It ( dz׿)

Section 4 Daily Life

My Heart Goes Out ( Ŀ)
At the Drop of a Hat ()
Cost a Pretty Penny ( )
Turn a Blind Eye (ܸϴ)
Pit of One's Stomach ()
Ask for Trouble (ȭ ϴ)
Are There Any Good New Tunes Out? ( Ű ֳ)
Have a Run-in ( ̴)
You Really Missed Out (ȸ ġ̳׿)
Have More Money than Sense ( )
No Can Do ( )
Paycheck to Paycheck ( ൵ ϰ ư)
Swings and Roundabouts (̿)
Hit the Nail on the Head ( ´ ̿)
Memory of an Elephant ( )
Hit the Road ()
Nest Egg ()
Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is ( ʿ () ɴ)
Icing on the Cake (ݻ÷ȭ)
Ears Were Burning (Ͱ )
Breathtaking ( (Ƹ))
Real Deal (ǰ̿)
Flat Broke (͸)
Take a Rain Check ( ̷)
Down in the Dumps ( ʴ)
Put Hair on Your Chest ( DZ)
Have Pride of Place ( ڸ )
Soaked to the Bone (컶 )
Not a Pretty Sight (⿡ ʴ)
Daylight Robbery (ٰ)
Live for the Moment (縦 )
A Dark Horse (ũȣ)
Cutting It Fine (ϴ)
Dead Wood (ҿ )
Burning Question (ٽ  )
A Screw Loose ( )
Not One's Cup of Tea ( ƴϴ)
A Far Cry From (ſ ٸ)
Tough Call ( )
Correspond With ( ְ޴)
Where Was I? ( ߴ)
A Way of Life ( )
Finders Keepers (ã ڿ)
Out of My Price Range ( ݴ뺸 δ)
Too Much Going On (ʹ Ͼ ִ)
You Can Really Pull It Off ( )
Sorry for Your Inconvenience ( ˼մϴ)
Hump Day ()
On Full Blast (ִ)
Better Late than Never (ʰԶ ƿ ʴ ͺ )
Be in a Rut ( Ȱ ݺ̴)
Ticked Off (ȭ )
Just Lose It (̼ Ҵ)
Knock 'em Dead (ִ, ϴ)
Squeaky-clean (ǵ Ҹ ŭ )
Just Around the Corner ( ٰ)
Keep Your Eyes Peeled ( ã)
Run Out of Time (ð )
Miss One's Chance (ȸ ġ̱)
Can't Agree More ( ̴)
It Finally Rained ( Դ)
We're In for a Hot One ( ϴ)

Section 5 Health & Food

Join Me for Dinner ( Ļ糪 ؿ)
Bursting at the Seams ( ̴)
Have the Stomach For ( ִ)
I'm Stuffed (ʹ 谡 ҷ)
Bingo Wings ( þ ȶ )
Work Like a Charm (ٶ ȿ Ÿ)
Like There's No Tomorrow ( ʰ ϰ)
Drunk as a Lord ( )
Hit the Spot (ſ )
Couldn't Help It (¿ )
Keep an Eye On (Ѻ)
Looking Out For (Ǵ)
Kick the Habit ( )
Same Old, Same Old ( Ÿ̴)
Sick as a Dog ( )
Lay Off (̴)
It's Becoming Serious (ɰ ִ)
A OK ( )
It's So Frustrating ( ¥)
Get Out of Here ( θ )
My Allergies Are Acting Up (˷ )
Feeling Stuffy ( )
Make a Fresh Pot (ݹ ĿǸ ̴)
Your Eyes Are Bigger than Your Stomach ( ġó׿)
First-come, First-served ()
'Fess Up (ϼ)
You're Rubbing Off on Me ( ̴)
Watch What You're Saying (ϼ)
Under the Weather (() )
Strange Aftertaste (̻ )
Coming Down With a Cold (Ⱑ )
In the Mood (ϰ ʹ)
What Did You Think? ()
Why Don't You Join Me? ( Բϴ )
Fitness Freak ()

Section 6 Friends & Family

Oh, No, I Forgot (ӳ, ؾȳ׿)
You Need to Man Up (⸦ )
Regular Joe ( ι)
In My Book ( )
A Penny for Your Thoughts ( о)
Have a Bone to Pick ( ִ)
That (This) Ship Has Sailed (ȸ ġ)
Rather You than Me ( ׷ ؿ)
On the Dot ()
Safe and Sound (ϰ)
Have a Heart (ּ)
Over the Moon (⻵ ¿ 𸣴)
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie (ܾ ν )
A Taste of Your Own Medicine ( ֱ)
Get Busted (Ű)
Chip Off the Old Block (ƹ ڽ)
Add Insult to Injury (󰡻)
Reach a Compromise (Ÿ ϴ)
Cut Your Losses (з )
Can't Handle ( )
Resign Oneself To (¿ ޾Ƶ̴)
Rest in Peace (RIP) ( Ҽ)
Like One of the Family ( ģ)
Straighten Up (ൿ ٷ)
Don't You Dare ( ޵ )
Go Beetroot ( )
Nearly Fall off Your Chair (¦ )
Be My Guest (׷ ϼ)
Long Face ( ̴)
Huge Row (ū ҵ)
You'll Never Guess (۵ Ŵ)
Ticked Off (ȭ )
Good Riddance ( ÿϴ)
Knock It Off (׸δ)
Take After My Mom ( )
Decked Out (ٻϰ )
Beats Me (𸣰ھ)
Don't Take Kindly To ( )
A Huge Crush (Ȧ ϴ)
Sub-par ( )
I Ran Into (쿬 )
Have a Late Night with Someone (ʰ ð )
Broke Up ()
Broke Up (2) ( (2))
Let the Cat Out of the Bag ( о)
A Question of Time (Ȯ Ͼ )
Wake Up and Smell the Coffee ( )


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 ۼ ۼ õ

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